
Global Methane Levels Growing Faster To "worst-case Scenario": Study

Cites reports co-authored by Woods Senior Fellow Rob Jackson on the rise of methane gas and the causes to climate change
December 13, 2016 - By RTT Staff Writer, RTT News

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Rapid Rise in Methane Emissions in 10 Years Surprises Scientists

Rob Jackson discusses significance of recent surge in methane emissions.
December 12, 2016 - By Fiona Harvey, The Guardian

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Cattle methane emissions undermining battle against global warming

Cites Robert Jackson's research study into agricultural effects contributing to climate change
December 12, 2016 - By Tom Bawden , i News The Essential Daily Briefing

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Methane Emissions Are On The Rise. That’s A Big Problem

Quotes Rob Jackson discussing how reducing methane is the quickest way to slow climate change.
December 12, 2016 - By  Joseph Erbentraut, Huffington Post

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Methane surge needs 'urgent attention'

BBC interview with Rob Jackson about his recent studies focused on methane from agriculture and fossil fuels.
December 12, 2016 - By Jonathan Amos, BBC News

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Methane emissions skyrocketing

Cites study coauthored by Robert Jackson
December 12, 2016 - By Amy Quinton, KCBX

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Methane Emissions Surged in Last Decade, Study Finds

Study cited by Robert Jackson into the rise of methane gas and how studying it will play a "crucial role in meeting the international goal" of the Paris agreement.
December 12, 2016 - By Justin Worland, Time

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Is Food Our Best Hope for Cutting Methane Emissions?

Robert Jackson, co-author of study citing how a change in the way we think about our food and agriculture process could be the key to curbing climate change
December 11, 2016 - By Rob Jordan , The Exception via Stanford

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Study: Warming to Trigger 3 Times as many Downpours in US

Director Chris Field offers thoughts on a new study from NCAR about the increased likelihood of downpours given a changing climate.
December 7, 2016 - By Seth Borenstein, San Francisco Chronicle

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An Open Letter from Scientists to President-Elect Trump on Climate Change

Scientists, including Senior Fellows and Affiliates of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, urge the President-Elect to take crucial steps to address climate change.
December 6, 2016 - By Michael D. Lemonick, Scientific American

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Panel addresses environmental policy under Trump

Environmental policy could face setbacks under a climate-skeptic Trump administration, but it may be too early to call doom and gloom, according to a Stanford Law School panel including Michael Wara and Katharine Mach.
December 1, 2016 - By , Stanford Daily

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EPA's late changes to fracking study downplay risk of drinking water pollution

Top officials of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last year made critical changes at the eleventh hour to a highly anticipated, five-year scientific study of hydraulic fracturing’s effect on the nation’s drinking water. Rob Jackson comments on the changes, later criticized by scientists for lacking evidence, which played down the risk of pollution that can result from the well-drilling technique known as fracking.
November 30, 2016 - By Scott Tong & Tom Scheck, NPR Marketplace & American Public Media

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Stanford Paleoecologist Elizabeth Hadly Takes on the Future

By phone from Mongolia and parts of Africa and in person from her Stanford office, Elizabeth Hadly talks with Bay Nature about tipping points, how local is where it’s at, and the diversity of Bay Area plants and people.
November 28, 2016 - By Mary Ellen Hannibal, Bay Nature Magazine

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COP22: Paris was About the Deal, Marrakech the Detail

This recap of the takeaways from COP22 in Marrakech quotes Director Chris Field on the Middle East as a potential leader on clean energy.
November 18, 2016 - By Everton Fox, Aljazeera

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Coverage: climate, environment & 2016 presidential election

Woods-affiliated experts discussed the potential impacts of a Donald Trump presidency on national and international environmental policy.
November 18, 2016 - By , Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Climate Home, Observatorio do Clima

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Kelp Could Be One of the Lone Sea Plant Survivors of Climate Change

Fiorenza Micheli discusses surprising findings about kelp's ability to withstand stressors such as climate change.
November 14, 2016 - By Katharine Gammon, Takepart

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News coverage related to 2016 presidential election

Woods-affiliated experts discussed the potential impacts of a Donald Trump presidency on national and international environmental policy.
November 11, 2016 - By , The Independent, ​Climate Central, Scientific American, E&E News / Climatewire, Bay Area News Group, Stockton Record, New York Times

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Trump could roll back Obama rules on methane, a potent greenhouse gas

Rob Jackson discusses changed outlook for methane emissions reductions.
November 11, 2016 - By Chris Mooney, Washington Post

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How Virtual Reality Can Help Us Feel the Pain of Climate Change

Feature on educational virtual reality software developed in lab of Woods Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson (Communication) and released to the public for free.
October 26, 2016 - By Randy Rieland, Smithsonian Magazine

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Think China's Pollution is Bad? Try Northern California

Woods Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson (Civil and Environmental Engineering) explains why Northern California is a "hotbed" for air pollution.
October 25, 2016 - By James Watkins, Ozy

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Annual Report Credits

Editorial Staff

Creative Director/Managing Editor
Christine Black

Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald
Michelle Horton
Devon Ryan
Kristen Weiss

Graphic Design Print Version
Cheri Larsh Arellano, Conscious Creative

Video Production
Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald

Website Programming & Development
Keith Iverson

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