
California Needs Atmospheric Rivers. But Like, Not This Many

Noah Diffenbaugh comments on connection between California's water system and atmospheric patterns.
February 23, 2017 - By Emma Grey Ellis, Wired

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Every 200 Years California Suffers a Storm of Biblical Proportions — This Year’s Rains Are Just a Precursor

Quotes Newsha Ajami and Noah Diffenbaugh on recent heavy rain in California and what it means for infrastructure.
February 21, 2017 - By Rachel Becker, The Verge

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California Senate Leader's New Bill: 100% Clean Energy

Article quotes Mark Jacobson on potential transition to 100 percent clean energy in California.
February 20, 2017 - By Sammy Roth, The Desert Sun

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Using science to see which countries are following through on Paris climate change goals

Features research coauthored by Rob Jackson, who discusses the potential for a low-carbon economy in the U.S.
February 6, 2017 - By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Times

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'We Should Assume our Worst Fears Will be Realized': Climate Scientist on Donald Trump

Quotes Director Chris Field on the value of scientific research on climate change both in terms of economics and human lives.
February 5, 2017 - By Peter Hannam, The Sydney Morning Herald

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Once unthinkable, 'planned retreat' enters the climate dialogue

Chris Field, Katharine Mach and Noah Diffenbaugh discuss the economic and environmental opportunities in climate change adaptation.
January 31, 2017 - By Erika Bolstad, ClimateWire

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With Heavy Rain In Southwest, Does This Mean Drought Is Almost Over?

Noah Diffenbaugh on the state of California's long-running drought.
January 25, 2017 - By Steve Goldstein, KJZZ Radio

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How can we avoid a climate change catastrophe? Al Gore and Davos leaders respond

WEF asked JIm Leape and other global leaders gathered in Davos about global environmental priorities going forward.
January 20, 2017 - By Jim Leape, World Economic Forum Blog

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Study tracks memory of soil moisture

Article discusses recent work by Alexandra Konings on the remote sensing of soil moisture.
January 16, 2017 - By David L. Chandler, MIT News

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2016’s Super Warm Arctic Winter ‘Extremely Unlikely’ Without Climate Change, Scientists Say

Noah Diffenbaugh comments on a recent analysis by the World Weather Attribution group with Climate Central of 2016's warm Arctic winter being unlikely to have occurred without climate change.
December 28, 2016 - By Chris Mooney, The Washington Post

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The Search Is on for Pulling Carbon from the Air

Katharine Mach, Chris Field and Rob Jackson comment on negative emissions technologies and other methods for reducing the world's carbon.
December 27, 2016 - By Annie Sneed, Scientific American

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Cattle and Other Ruminants Blamed for Methane Surge

Co author of study by Robert Jackson cited on the rising methane levels and where they stem from
December 17, 2016 - By Lorelai Zelmerlow , CDA News

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Methane Gas On The Rise, Highlights Human-Driven Sources Of Greenhouse Gas Emission

Robert Jackson's study cites argriculture as one of the biggest contributors to methane emissions
December 16, 2016 - By Kalyan Kumar, Tech Times

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Agriculture Eyed as Culprit in Global Methane Emissions Spike

Robert Jackson, chair of Stanford University's Earth System Science Department, cited on his study into the rapid rise methane gas what what it means for our environmental future
December 16, 2016 - By Georgina Gustin, Inside Climate News

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Globe-warming methane emissions may be canceling gains on carbon dioxide

Cites study co authors by Robert Jackson, a Michelle and Kevin Douglas Provostial Professor and chair of the department of Earth System Science in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.
December 14, 2016 - By Ron Meador, Minn Post

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Global Methane Emissions Growing Faster Now: Study

New findings published in Geophysical Research Letters discussed by Rob Jackson.
December 13, 2016 - By , Economic Times of India

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Trump's Election Leaves Scientists In A Climate Of Uncertainty

NPR speaks with Rob Jackson at the AGU's Fall Meeting about what the election means for the science community.
December 13, 2016 - By Christopher Joyce, NPR

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Methane Surge Worries Scientists

Cited study by Robert Jackson into the rise of methane gas and how this rapid rise is cause for concern
December 13, 2016 - By Kenny Walter, Ran D Magazine

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Global Methane Surge Threatens Efforts to Curb Climate Change

Study by Robert Jackson cited
December 13, 2016 - By Jaimee Bruce, Nature World News

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Christine Black

Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald
Michelle Horton
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Kristen Weiss

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Cheri Larsh Arellano, Conscious Creative

Video Production
Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald

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Keith Iverson

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