Monsanto Pledges to be Carbon Neutral by 2021
Senior Fellow David Lobell (Earth System Science) comments on the importance of corporate commitments to carbon neutrality
Eight Ways to Save the Planet
Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson (Civil and Environmental Engineering) explains that the greatest barrier to dealing with climate change isn't technology, but information
The Magic Number
Woods Senior Fellow Robert Jackson (Earth System Science) discusses the world's carbon budget in the context of the Paris climate negotiations.
Global Climate Agreement: After the Talks
The real business of decarbonization begins after an agreement is signed at the Paris climate conference, writes Jim Leape, a consulting professor at Woods and the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.
Will Climate Change Wipe out the Coral Reefs? Watch an Expert Explain Why There’s Still Hope
Interview with Senior Woods Fellow Steve Palumbi (Humanities and Sciences) on the future of the world's corals.
What Are The Economic Consequences of Climate Change?
Senior Fellow Chris Field (Biology, Earth System Science) co-authors a blog analyzing the major takeaways of a recent study led by Woods Center Fellow Marshall Burke (Earth System Science) on the economic consequences of climate change.
How El Niño Will Affect the West this Winter
Stanford doctoral student Daniel Swain (Earth System Science), a 2013 Rising Environmental Leadership Program fellow, discusses how El Niño will affect California, the Pacific Northwest, and the Rocky Mountain states.
Climate Countdown: Study Says Most Countries' Economies Weaken With Every Degree of Warming
Features study led by Center Fellow Marshall Burke (Earth System Science)
Does Climate Change Affect Income? New Study Sees Robust Link
Discusses findings of study led by Woods Center Fellow Marshall Burke (Earth System Science) showing that that national economic performance is closely linked to climate change.
World Will Pass Crucial 2C Global Warming Limit, Experts Warn
Senior Fellows Chris Field (Biology, Earth System Science) states that we should be striving to limit warming to as far below 2C as possible, but that will require a level of ambition that we have not yet seen.
A Wet Winter Won’t Save California
Op-ed by Senior Fellows Chris Field (Biology, Earth System Science) and Noah Diffenbaugh (Earth System Science) calling for the incorporation of climate-related risks in planning for California’s future.
Global Warming ‘Pause’ Never Happened, Scientists Say
Discusses research co-authored by Senior Fellow Noah Diffenbaugh (Earth System Science) and Bala Rajaratnam, a Woods-affiliated assistant professor of statistics and of Earth system science.
Study Finds Snowpack in California’s Sierra Nevada to Be Lowest in 500 Years
Senior Woods Fellow Noah Diffenbaugh states that the new findings contribute to the evidence that global warming has substantially increased the probability of extremely low snow conditions.
A Monster El Niño Could Bring Relief and Misery to California
Stanford doctoral student Daniel Swain (Environmental Earth System Science), a 2013 Rising Environmental Leadership Program fellow, discusses the implications of a record-strength El Niño.
Understanding the World Through Science
Interview with Senior Woods Fellow Chris Field (Biology, Earth System Science) about scientific literacy in the age of climate change.
California Climate Researchers Sound the Alarm at Symposium: ‘There’s No Way Out’
Senior Woods Fellow Noah Diffenbaugh discusses the connection between climate change and the California drought.
These Researchers Want California to Be Global Advocate About Climate Change
Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Elizabeth Hadly (Biology) about the importance of moving beyond advocacy and engaging in dialogue to effectively communicate about climate change outside of the ivory tower.
Global Warming Worsened the California Drought, Scientists Say
Woods Senior Fellow Noah Diffenbaugh (Earth System Science) calls the study “a step forward,” saying it was based on firm data showing “that temperature makes it harder for drought to break, and increases the long-term risk.”
Climate Change Intensifies California Drought, Scientists Say
Woods Senior Fellows David Lobell (Earth System Science) and Noah Diffenbaugh (Earth System Science) discuss the latest study on the connection between climate change and the California drought.
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