Regulated and unregulated halogenated disinfection byproduct formation from chlorination of saline groundwater

June 12, 2017 - Aleksandra Szczuka , Kimberly M. Parker, Cassandra Harvey, Erin Hayes, Avner Vengosh, William A. Mitch

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Complexities of gene expression patterns in natural populations of an extremophile fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)

June 9, 2017 - Courtney N. Passow, Anthony P. Brown, Lenin Arias-Rodriquez, M.–C. Yee, Alexandra Sockell, Manfred Schartl, Wesley C. Warren, Carlos Bustamante, Joanna L. Kelley, Michael Tobler

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Committing to socially responsible seafood

June 2, 2017 - John N. Kittinger, Lydia C. L. Teh, Edward H. Allison, Nathan J. Bennett, Larry B. Crowder, Elena M. Finkbeiner, Christina Hicks, Cheryl G. Scarton, Katrina Nakamura, Yoshitaka Ota, Jhana Young, Aurora Alifano, Ashley Apel, Allison Arbib, Lori Bishop, Mariah Boyle, Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor, Philip Hunter, Elodie Le Cornu, Max Levine, Richard S. Jones, J. Zachary Koehn, Melissa Marschke, Julia G. Mason, Fiorenza Micheli, Loren McClenachan, Charlotte Opal, Jonathan Peacey, S. Hoyt Peckham, Eva Schemmel, Vivienne Solis-Rivera, Wilf Swartz, T. 'Aulani Wilhelm

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Restoring people and productivity to Puanui: challenges and opportunities in the restoration of an intensive rain-fed Hawaiian field system

June 1, 2017 - Kehaulani Marshall, Chloe Koseff, Amber L. Roberts, Ala Lindsey, Aurora K. Kagawa-Viviani, Noa Kekuewa Lincoln, Peter Vitousek

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Pore-scale capillary pressure analysis using multi-scale X-ray micromotography

June 1, 2017 - Charlotte Garing, Jacques A. de Chalendar, Marco Voltolini, Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Sally M. Benson

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Coral reefs in the Anthropocene

May 31, 2017 - Terry P. Hughes, Michele L. Barnes, David R. Bellwood, Joshua E. Cinner, Graeme S. Cumming, Jeremy B. C. Jackson, Joanie Kleypas, Ingrid A. van de Leemput, Janice M. Lough, Tiffany H. Morrison, Stephen Palumbi, Egbert H. van Nes, Marten Scheffer

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Melting glaciers stimulate large summer phytoplankton blooms in southwest Greenland waters

May 31, 2017 - Kevin Arrigo, Gert L. van Dijken, Renato M. Castelao, Hao Luo, Åsa K. Rennermalm, Marco Tedesco, Thomas L. Mote, Hilde Oliver, Patricia L. Yager

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Regionally strong feedbacks between the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere

May 29, 2017 - Julia K. Green, Alexandra Konings, Seyed Hamed Alemohammad, Joseph A. Berry, Dara Entekhabi, Jana Kolassa, Jung-Eun Lee, Pierre Gentine

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Malaria and Chikungunya Detected using Molecular Diagnostics among Febrile Kenyan Children

May 29, 2017 - Jesse Waggoner, Julie Brichard, Francis Mutuku, Bryson Ndenga, Claire Jane Heath, Alisha Mohamed-Hadley, Malaya K. Sahoo, John Vulule, Martina Lefterova, Niaz Banaei, Dunstan Mukoko, Benjamin A. Pinsky , A. Desiree LaBeaud

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Behaviour change intervention to improve shared toilet maintenance and cleanliness in urban slums of Dhaka: A cluster-randomized controlled trial

May 28, 2017 - Mahbub-Ul Alam, Peter J. Winch, Ronald E. Saxton, Fosiul A. Nizame, Farzana Yeasmin, Guy Norman, Abdullah-Al Masud, Farzana Begum, Mahbubur Rahman, Kamal Hossain, Anita Layden, Leanne Unicomb, Stephen Luby

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Avoidance responses of minke whales to 1–4 kHz naval sonar

May 25, 2017 - Petter H. Kvadsheim, Stacy DeRuiter, Lise D. Sivle, Jeremy Goldbogen, Rune Roland-Hansen, Patrick J.O. Miller, Frans-Peter A. Lam, John Calambokidis, Ari Friedlaender, Fleur Visser, Peter L. Tyack, Lars Kleivane, Brandon Southall

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Advantages and limitations for users of double pit pour-flush latrines: a qualitative study in rural Bangladesh

May 25, 2017 - Faruqe Hussain, Thomas Clasen, Shahinoor Akter, Victoria Bawel, Stephen P. Luby, Elli Leontsini, Leanne Unicomb, Milan Kanti Barua, Brittany Thomas, Peter J. Winch

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Society Is Ready for a New Kind of Science—Is Academia?

May 24, 2017 - Bonnie L. Keeler, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Anne D. Guerry, Prue F. E. Addison, Charles Bettigole, Ingrid C. Burke, Brad Gentry, Lauren Chambliss, Carrie Young, Alexander J. Travis, Chris T. Darimont, Doria R. Gordon, Jessica Hellmann, Peter Kareiva, Steve Monfort, Lydia Olander, Tim Profeta, Hugh P. Possingham, Carissa Slotterback, Eleanor Sterling , Tamara Ticktin, Bhaskar Vira

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Annual Report Credits

Editorial Staff

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Christine Black

Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald
Michelle Horton
Devon Ryan
Kristen Weiss

Graphic Design Print Version
Cheri Larsh Arellano, Conscious Creative

Video Production
Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald

Website Programming & Development
Keith Iverson

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