Kinematic Diversity in Rorqual Whale Feeding Mechanisms

October 10, 2016 - David A. Cade, Ari S. Friedlaender, John Calambokidis, Jeremy A. Goldbogen

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Carreteras y capital natural: Gestión de las dependencias y de los efectos sobre los servicios ecosistémicos para inversiones sostenibles en infraestructura vial

October 4, 2016 - Lisa Mandle, Rob Griffin, Josh Goldstein, Rafael M Acevedo-Daunas, Ashley Camhi, Michele H Lemay, Elizabeth Rauer, Victoria Peterson, Lisa Mandle, Rob Griffin, Josh Goldstein, Rafael M Acevedo-Daunas, Ashley Camhi, Michele H Lemay, Elizabeth Rauer, Victoria Peterson, Lisa Mandle, Rob Griffin, Josh Goldstein, Rafael M Acevedo-Daunas, Ashley Camhi, Michele H Lemay, Elizabeth Rauer, Victoria Peterson, Lisa Mandle, Rob Griffin, Josh Goldstein, Rafael M Acevedo-Daunas, Ashley Camhi, Michele H Lemay, Elizabeth Rauer, Victoria Peterson

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Global Patterns of Kelp Forest Change Over the Past Half-Century

October 3, 2016 - Kira A. Krumhansla, Daniel K. Okamotoa, Andrew Rassweilerb, Mark Novakc, John J. Boltond, Kyle C. Cavanaughe, Sean D. Connellf, Craig R. Johnsong, Brenda Konarh, Scott D. Lingg, Fiorenza Michelii, Kjell M. Norderhaugj, Alejandro Pérez-Matusk, Isabel Sou

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Ocean planning in a changing climate

October 1, 2016 - Catarina Frazão Santos, Tundi Agardy, Francisco Andrade, Manuel Barange, Larry B Crowder, Charles N Ehler, Michael K Orbach, Rui Rosa

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Sensitivity of particle loss to the Kelvin effect in LES of young contrails

September 28, 2016 - Aniket R Inamdar, Alexander D Naiman, Sanjiva K Lele, Mark Z Jacobson

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Escherichia coli Reduction by Bivalves in an Impaired River Impacted by Agricultural Land Use

September 28, 2016 - Niveen S Ismail, Jake P Tommerdahl, Alexandria B Boehm, Richard G Luthy

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Identification and Characterization of High Methane-Emitting Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells

September 23, 2016 - Mary Kang, Shanna Christian, Michael A. Celia, Denise L. Mauzerall, Markus Bill, Alana R. Miller, Yuheng Chen, Mark E. Conrad, Thomas H. Darrah, Robert Jackson

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Annual Report Credits

Editorial Staff

Creative Director/Managing Editor
Christine Black

Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald
Michelle Horton
Devon Ryan
Kristen Weiss

Graphic Design Print Version
Cheri Larsh Arellano, Conscious Creative

Video Production
Rob Jordan
Ian Fitzgerald

Website Programming & Development
Keith Iverson

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